Open Discussion?
FrumTeens gives the impression of being an open discussion group, like However, many people report that when they submitted posts that were contrary to the moderator’s hashkafos and were not easily refutable, the moderator did not permit them to be posted. Thus, the moderator gives the impression of satisfactorily dealing with all questions that arise, but he is actually avoiding objections that undermine his position. If anyone has this experience, please forward your postings to this website.
There are many, many posts that do not go up.
Incidentally, all posts that are submitted are searchable, even if they don't go up.
Do a search on anything (like a period, or the letter e) and you'll see tons of posts that don't get put up.
The Wolf
Are you sure about that? i never saw that happen. where would the "uposted-posts" appear?
They appear in the search results. However, you can only see new threads this way, not replies to existing threads.
The Wolf
The mod gets a huge # of posts per day. He can only post so many.
Wasn't sure where to put this and so i'm puting it here.
there's good stuff too. like this message about someone who asked for chizuk about
I have commented a ton of times and have not gotten put up. He's really a spineless cult leader. I have also found some non-hashkafic information that he posted to be flawed, not that he posted that either.
I have asked some pretty difficult questions, not posted. I had a debate with him about Rav Shlomo Zalman's Auerbach's position about R' Avraham b HaRambam's position vis a vis Slifkin, which he posted, but after I asked him a tough question - he deleted the whole shakla vetarya! I want to be dan lekaf Zechus - he emailed me that he wanted the site to be streamlined and rav Shlomo Zalman's "supposed" (his words) position was not material. I think it is very much material if Rav Shlomo Zalman told Dr. Abraham to quote it as a Yesh Omrim = a minority - not Kefirah'dig -opinion. I also have some questions on Zionism he has never posted. Of course, everyone thinks their point is great or they wouldn't try to post it, but these are well thought out questions that I have discussed with major figures.
I do respect his opinions about alot of things though. (same anonymous as post above)
hey, im new to frumteens and now im getting freaked out, whats going on? is it good or bad?
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