FrumTeens: The Modern Orthodox are Heretics
The FrumTeens moderator has a very broad definition of heresy:
Kefirah, apikursus, meenus - the words are interchangeable - is anything you believe that is against the Daas Torah
He then determines that Modern Orthodoxy formally desires to "run away" from holiness, something which would doubtless come as great surprise to the leaders of Modern Orthodoxy:
… Modern Orthodoxy disagreed with the Torah's values, or, more properly, twisted the Torah's values, to make batalah and running away from holiness part of Orthodoxy as opposed to a violation of it.
The FrumTeens moderator's conclusion is that Modern Orthodox Jews are bona fide apikorsim:
… To sin is to be imperfect. But to institutionalize imperfection and make it into the first choice is kefirah, since you are disagreeing with the Torah’s values.
Well! What a sweeping definition of kefirah! Now it's not just the Religious Zionists; the FrumTeens moderator has just written off further thousands of Torah observant Jews as genuine apikorsim. And this is the website that hundreds of confused teenagers turn to for guidance!
your comments part isn't working
good post.keep up the good work.hope more people will read your posts and learn from them.
Yeah, its pretty obvious that FM has no clue what goes on in the real MO world. Its such a shame people are so quick to make statements like those.
Sigh. It's simply a case of "if you don't fit my label, then you're not in the club." Even I, with my recent troubles regarding people who didn't fit my mold, never thought that they were apikursim or heretics. Sheesh!
The Wolf
FWIW, the Rambam is very explicit about defining apiqoreis, meshumad and kofeir as different kinds of heresy.
It's not just an issue of the writer being imprecise. The lack of precision about what is heresy is the very core of his ability to use the term artificially broadly.
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