FrumTeens is a website that takes on a very important task: helping teens at risk. Its creator should be commended for this initiative. There is a great need for such a website.
Yet there are some serious drawbacks with FrumTeens. For example:
- It is run by an anonymous person who is not supervised by any organization.
- The moderator's views on many topics are extreme and extremely disturbing.
This website will serve as an unofficial evaluation and critique of some of these problems, with a view to:
- Alerting people to these problems;
- Encouraging FrumTeens to address them;
- Encouraging suitably qualified organizations to set up their own website and accomplish the same goals.
Reader's submissions are welcome - please send them to
Why can't those same teens which go to frumteens seek help and advice on how to be frum from ... just like the teens from did ?
There shouldn't be a website for teens or anyone else for that matter that espouses hate and divisiveness. Period. This moderator is a menace to society. The man is obviously not qualified to do anything productive in the field of education so he hides behind a website and cloaks himself in anonymity. This is all a ruse for him to be able to promote his disguting propaganda without any oversight. Rabbi Alderstein should be harshly criticized for his article and our leadership should loudly be calling for this web site to be shut down.
Schaefer - You're treading dangerous waters. I wonder if it is possible to keep a site like this Lashon-Hara-free. I also wonder if you have a backing organization, or at the very least, a rabbi with whom you plan to review your posts. I also wonder if you're planning to allow readers to post whatever they like, no matter how slanderous or vile the content.
While it is nice that you care to address problems in our community, your method for doing so is questionable and required great care. I hope you take it.
Kol Hakovod! How many teens listened to the one sided extreme advice from the mod at frumteens? I remember when I used to post and actually respect him, until I followed his advice and realized he's nothing but a phony.
anoynymous... can you elaborate on that?
my g-d you guys! ever heard of free will??? Teens are not [i]forced[/i] to read FT, nor are they threatened with death if they don't believe what is written. whomever doesn't like it can just go on to another take it so personally. sheesh!
You said "Yet there are some serious drawbacks with FrumTeens. For example:
It is run by an anonymous person who is not supervised by any organization.
The moderator's views on many topics are extreme and extremely disturbing."
Is this blog supervised by any orginization? and having a name like Schaefer dosent make this blog not anonmys. Also your blog can be viewed as extreeme and very disturbing.
How can you bash them for something you are doing yourself? And even if you are right, you dont even have the excuse of helping lost teens to use. ...
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