Tuesday, May 17, 2005

More Kefirah Wizadry from FrumTeens

How does the FrumTeens moderator arrive at the extraordinary conclusion that you can formally espouse kefirah all of your life, and yet not be a kofer?

The answer is that he takes the astonishing position that whenever somebody learns peshat wrong in the Chumash, it is kefirah! (check it out here)

(His claimed basis for this absurd position is the Mishnah Berurah's statement that Apikorsus is anything that is against Daas Torah. Obviously, however, the Mishnah Berurah was only referring to that which is unanimously held to be the Torah's position, even by the dissenter, who nevertheless disagrees.)

Thus, the Moderator is of the opinion that since Modern Orthodox and Religious Zionist rabbis have learned the wrong peshat in various aspects of Torah, their beliefs are kefirah.

Yet the Moderator obviously can't push it all that far and claim that everyone who learns peshat wrong in any place in Torah is a kofer, since to be a kofer has some very serious consequences.
So he is forced into the bizarre position that somebody can believe and practise kefirah all their life, and yet not be officially called a Kofer!

But obviously, if it looks like a duck, walks like a duck, and talks like a duck, then it is a duck. If somebody is held to be believing and practising kefirah all their life, it is foolish to maintain that they are not kofrim.

However, the real foolishness is in claiming that whenever somebody gets the wrong peshat in Torah, it is kefirah.


At 3:47 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Can you explain how a disagreement amongst qualified poskim in Hashkafa or anything for that matter renders one side or the other a Kofer or possesing of Kefirah? I'm sure this is not what the Mishna Berurah meant. Can someone please explain the rules of becoming a Kofer to the moderator so he can stop bantering about terms he knows nothing about?

At 6:34 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...



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