FrumTeensMod - Rabbi or not?
Rabbi Yitzchok Adlerstein, writing about the Moderator of FrumTeems ("M") in Jewish Action Magazine, reported that "M is not a rabbi or mental health professional. His day job is completely unrelated. He regards his role at Frumteens as a teacher, not as a savior for lost souls." Rabbi Adlerstein also writes that M does not live on the East Coast.
Meanwhile the Frumteens moderator himself states on the site that he is a rabbi. It's also in the metadata on the website:
<*title> - Torah for Teenagers<*/title*><*META NAME="Description" CONTENT=" is a Torah discussion board for teens run by Orthodox Jewish Rabbis to teach Hashkafah, to outlook of Judaism on life and living."*><*META NAME="Keywords" CONTENT="Torah, Ask the Rabbi, Jewish Teens, Jewish Teenagers, Hashkafa, Hashkafah, Shabbos, frum"*>
So either the Moderator lied to Jewish Action Magazine or is lying on his site.
As far as I know (and I am willing to be corrected, but my sources are quite reliable), the primary work on Frumteens is done by a single rabbi (not a team of rabbis, as the metadata indicates). The interview in Jewish Action was with a minor partner; Rabbi Adlerstein was apparently unaware of the East Coast rabbi who is primarily responsible for Frumteens.
(Hat tip: Sultan Knish)
He does use other moderators. I am friends with an ex moderator and he told me that there were about 3 or 4 of them when he was on it.
Rabbi or not --HE IS NOT A RABBI
I'm assuming your the ex-godol hador...your rantings here are even more pathitic than on your real blog. You should cahs in your ships for real. You seem really bored. !!
I'm kind of curious to see how Frumteenswatchwatch spins this...
The Wolf
He says on the site he lives in New York.
wolf your a foney. get off my phone. !!
Personal theory:
3 Moderators. The main one, who started the site and is the most extremist lives in Far Rockaway. Then there's one who lives in Miami. I think there might be one who lives in Israel, but really it's a toss up.
ok , well i dont know if the well educated people on this web site no this , but you can have semicha and be an official rabbi yet not hold a rabbinical position. oh!!! now you get , do me a favor people , think before you speak!
schaefer-your information is very old. plz learn what ur talkin about b4 u say stupid things. frumteens was started by 1 mod. new moderators joined like 3 yrs ago.
rasi: nice article, but Mod how come it says your not a Rabbi when you clearly stated that you are?...
MODERATOR:2 diff Mods, and "rabbi" can mean pulpit rabbi as well as "person with smicha." end quote
tmeishar-ya i think one mod lives in israel but i dont knwo for sure.
schaefer-u and everyone else on this site which is full of rechilus really must have no life if the only thing u have 2 do is bash the mod for doing mitzvos.
ke'evei beten-just reading ur comment gives me a ke'eiv beten. you are on this site encouraging and speaking (or typing) rechilus, and u have the arrogance to call such a tzaddik like the mod of frumteens a pig?
your all just talking yur heads out
Very nice site! Game horse play racing
The Moderator is indeed a Rabbi. I haven't seen the JA magazine, but perhaps there was a mistake. He says many times on the site that he is a Rabbi.
Recently, the Moderator has been unable to keep up with the site as much as before. A few new moderators have joined the team. I don't know if they are rabbis, but I think it is safe to assume that they are.
So either the Moderator lied to Jewish Action Magazine or is lying on his site.
As far as I know (and I am willing to be corrected, but my sources are quite reliable), the primary work on Frumteens is done by a single rabbi (not a team of rabbis, as the metadata indicates). The interview in Jewish Action was with a minor partner; Rabbi Adlerstein was apparently unaware of the East Coast rabbi who is primarily responsible for Frumteens.
While there is the possibility of many answers, you have provided one yourself: the primary Mod is a rabbi, the one quoted by the article is not.
He is a very chashuva rav I know very well.
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